Very Official Secrets
An analysis of the movie Official Secrets 2019
Undoubtedly, it is very difficult to make a film with the theme of political criticism in the country of origin. And certainly in countries with more complex and dreaded security institutions, it is far more difficult. The United Kingdom is one of these countries with about 10 security agencies. GCHQ and Mi6 are among the most feared security entities in the world. The film "Official Secret" is a clear example of a political film that beautifully depicts the suffocation and power of the security services. More importantly, how can influential, corrupt, and polluted politicians use their information and communication chain to carry out their dirty policies? "Official Secrets" tells the story of a spy who works in the interrogation and investigation department of other countries' officials at GCHQ. At the beginning of the film, Katherine Gann is asked to report earlier on the investigation into a Chinese politician, as the State Department intends to negotiate trade and needs the documents. He is then tasked with spying on the lives of non-permanent members of the Security Council to find weaknesses that could be used to threaten members of the Security Council with the US-British resolution to invade Iraq. To support. Catherine, who has an anti-war spirit and knows from her intelligence that the United States and Britain are lying about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, decides to expose. Undoubtedly, the key to freedom of expression and the key words of illegal war and legal war is the pendant with which the filmmaker was able to make his film. And then cleanse the Queen's skirt of this stigma by making the then Prime Minister of England, Tony Blair, look dirty. However, for insightful people, the same amount of information can be instructive on how to force weaker countries to negotiate with lies such as weapons of mass destruction and human rights, and how to oust them in the same way. Weapons and then colonize. Let us remember that after Saddam, Iraqi oil was colonized by the United States for 99 years, a lie that was injected into the world by the media war. Somewhere in the film, two agents from Katherine's friends tell her that they are going to London to learn Persian, and the filmmaker insinuates to the audience that the next project is to make a case for Iran (fake nuclear files). , Human rights and support for terrorism). The film recalls that "Margaret Thatcher" used the same method to sink an Argentine ship, and launched the Falklands War. On the other side is the Observer weekly and its journalists, who are on both pro-war and anti-war factions trying to move the story forward. The war begins and Catherine's revelation does not change anything. In the film, Katherine tries to save her Muslim wife, who inadvertently gets involved in her revelation case, and now, in order to poison Katherine, they want to deport her from Britain. The film portrays Katherine Gunn, a GCHQ security spy, as a hero who writes in the caption at the end of the film that in the first four years of the war, nearly one million Iraqis were killed by American and British forces. The film is well-made and well-rhythmic, with acceptable acting. Many of the political and security points of the film do not fit into this space, and I recommend watching this good cinematic work with insight. Soheil Salimi